πŸ“„Improving pronunciation

In this guide, we share some tips and tricks to enhance your prompts and handle pronunciation in special cases. Add them and test them with your agents to improve your results.Pronunciation Standards

  1. Phone Numbers:

    • Split each digit for clarity: "3214567890" β†’ "3 - 2 - 1 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 0"Comment

    • Group by pairs for longer sequences: "1234567890" β†’ "12 - 34 - 56 - 78 - 90"Comment

    • Use parentheses for area codes: "(+57) 321 - 456 - 7890"Comment

    • Note: Using " - " introduces pauses in speech, enhancing clarity.Comment


  2. Email Addresses:

    • Replace symbols for clarity: "@" β†’ "arroba", "." β†’ "punto"Comment

    • Split domains for better understanding: "user@company.com" β†’ "user arroba company punto com"Comment

    • Avoid normalizing or altering the actual addressComment


  3. Alphanumeric Codes:

    • Separate letters and numbers: "123A" β†’ "1 - 2 - 3 - A"Comment

    • Use "dash" or "hyphen" for "-"Comment

    • Spell out special characters for clarityComment

    • Note: Using " - " introduces pauses in speech, enhancing clarity.Comment

Critical Preservation Rules

  • Do not modify original data if uncertain.Comment

  • Maintain exact spelling of names and companies.Comment

  • Preserve unique identifiers as they are.Comment

  • Document any standardization rules applied.Comment

Verification Protocols

  • Conduct an audio check before any interaction.Comment

  • Confirm identity using multiple data points.Comment

  • Use standardized format for information readback.Comment

  • Obtain explicit confirmation for critical data.

Last updated